ExhibitorEase Guide: Promotional Giveaways

Promotional Products Bag, Shirts, Mug, Cap, Pens

Show visitors enjoy receiving free gifts! With careful planning, promotional giveaways will improve your company image, promote goodwill, and say “Thank You” to the person visiting your booth.



  • Promote Your Business
  • Communicate Products or Services
  • Motivate the Audience to Visit Your Booth
  • Reward the Visitor

Choose your company’s giveaway merchandise based on the goals you set and the audience you will target at the show. The gifts will benefit both your company and the recipient if you have strategically considered your objectives. For example, a distinctive giveaway can be used as a means to invite targeted, pre-qualified attendees to visit your booth. Or, if your goal is to boost name recognition, you can offer every passer-by a free carryall bag or coffee mug emblazoned with your company logo.

Before ordering your giveaways ask yourself the following questions

  • What is the specific goal of the giveaway? Maximum name recognition, a thank you to specific visitors, or an enticement to a pre-qualified audience.
  • Does the giveaway merchandise reflect the company image? Within budget, which giveaway will command the most value?
  • How will giveaways be presented at the booth?
  • Will the gifts motivate visitors to complete a survey or participate in a product demonstration?

Careful planning of your promotional giveaways will complement your entire marketing and sales strategy. Visitors will remember your booth. The giveaways will act as unique, long-term reminders of the benefits of your product and services.

Develop a highly visible and creative display that will reflect your company’s professionalism and eliminate visitors who grab and run.

Order early to eliminate the stress of late deliveries, manufacturing goofs, or the disappointment in the quality of an item that cannot be replaced because of deadline restrictions.

TIPS . . .

  • Determine the Primary Function of Your Giveaway
  • Your Giveaway Mirrors Your Company Image
  • Select Quality Over Quantity
  • Choose Unique & Useful Gifts
  • Order Early to Avoid Delivery Delays
  • Purchase Only Enough for the Visitors You Expect
  • Qualify Visitors for Personalized Gifts
  • Increase Name Recognition by Giving to All Visitors

Terminology you should know

Ad Specialties carry your advertising or promotional message. Like subtle billboards, they constantly suggest businesses, brand names, and slogans. Popular ad specialties include pens, coffee mugs, calculators and notepads.

Premiums are incentives for a specific action. If an attendee gets a free T-shirt for viewing a product demonstration, he or she is responding to a premium offer.

NOTE: To avoid conflicts, verify in advance that show management approves your giveaway.



Section 1: Planning for the Show
Section 2 :Choosing the Right Location
Section 3: Choosing the Right Display
Section 4: Attracting Visitors
Section 5: Promotional Giveaways
Section 6: Exhibitor Sales Techniques
Section 7: Managing Leads
Section 8: Exhibition Services
Section 9: Shipping
Section 10: Common Exhibitor Mistakes